
Archive for October, 2010

doing the business

October 21, 2010 9 comments

I usually only throw stuff on this blog site that messes with my heart.  The following text message I received earlier today is no exception:

“Right now I’m watching a lady on Hospice care.  She only speaks Spanish but she looks just like MA (previous lady she took care of -MDP-) did.  She’s at the stage where she’s not eating or drinking much anymore.  I held her hand and prayed for her…mostly for peace.  She looked up into my eyes and gripped my hands as I prayed. Then she settled down and fell asleep.  I love my job!”

This is probably very embarrassing to Traday, that I’ve fronted her out like this, but this is the business of the Kingdom, which is rarely flashy.  But, it is the conviction to bring life and hope where death, decay and hopelessness exist.  Getting on with the family business even though it cost me personally.  Making the choices for the greatest, even though it may not “feel” good right at this very moment.  I think sometimes that we are too in our head, too many dreams, and too many whimsical expansions of what works for me and my calling, instead of the courageous fortitude that just does what has to be done.  Jesus came to the fishermen while they were fishing.  He came to the adulteress while she was working.  Matthew was doing his thang when Jesus called him to the business.  Not too much navel gazing when the King was walking the planet.  Other than the Baptist, no one was waiting around for another word or for the specifics and safeguards for their future; and even at that, John had put hands to what he knew he had to do.  Of course we want the mountaintop and lots of clarity, but that is no guarantee of having an express lane to the front of the line.  Of approximately 3 million people who crossed the Red Sea, saw signs and wonders, lived in a miraculous charged atmosphere, only 2 guys entered into promised destiny!  Of course we want the dream, but what are we being faithful with today?  I think the test is serious whether it is little or much.


Categories: Uncategorized

time to stretch!

October 6, 2010 5 comments

Here are the links to download Anthony Chapman’s sermon series:

A NEW COVENANT – The truth about freedom





Warning:  If you’re into living the old covenant law, rules and regulations, you’re going to hate this!  Or…you might get set free!  -MDP-

Categories: Uncategorized

thinking differently

October 4, 2010 3 comments

When I heard it at The Awakening it stunned me.  I know this stuff deep in my soul, but sometimes the arrangement of verbiage from other voices can be shocking:  “THE CHURCH WAS INSTITUTED AND COMMISSIONED BY GOD PRIMARILY FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT BELONG TO IT”. If we have the integrity to really stare that down, it will mess with us and our acquired taste for church-i-an-ity…or it should.

In my devo-time this morning, I also read:  “The Church is not an end in itself, the Church is the means.  The Kingdom is the end.  And whenever we make the means into the end, we have created an idol.”  -Rohr-

We have to start thinking differently.


Categories: Uncategorized